Syria News

Syrian Army operates against terrorist groups in southern countryside of Idlib

Syria’s official SANA news agency reported on Friday that the Syrian Arab Army launched a series of precise bombardments on the southern outskirts of al-Habit town in the southern countryside of Idlib in response to attempts by terrorist groups to sneak into the northern countryside of Hama.

SANA added that army units operating in the northern ​​Mahrdah countryside conducted intense strikes against positions from which terrorist groups infiltrated from the vicinity of Tal Sakhr village towards the military posts in the area.

READ MORE : Syrian Army eliminates ISIS group in Palmyra countryside


On the same axis, SANA added that “an army unit carried out this morning artillery strikes focused on the axes from which terrorist groups infiltrated al-Arba’en village in response to the assaults by sniper fire at the military posts and safe villages.

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