Syria News

Prominent Turkish-backed rebel leader defects FSA, Joins Syrian forces

Prominent rebel leader has defected the Turkish-backed “Euphrates Shield” militia which known as the “Free Syrian Army” (FSA), and joined the Syrian forces after returning to the government territories.

According to reports, Fadi Gabriel, who comes from ‘Atareb’ town in the countryside of Aleppo was surrendered to the Syrian Arab Army last Saturday.

Gabriel was serving as the former security commander of the “Sulaiman Shah” faction, following a dispute broke out with the faction’s commander who was known as Abu Amsha, He decided to defect then joined the Syrian Arab army.


According to sources, “Gabriel” drove his car towards government control areas in the northern countryside of Aleppo, where he surrendered to a military checkpoint.

Worth-mentioning that many former rebel commanders have returned to government sovereignty, as the government settled their statuses in return. Some of them also participated alongside the Syrian army in its battles against terrorist organizations.

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