World News

Ukraine’s air force just got bigger amid readiness to confront Russia – What does it have now? (Pictures)

Ukraine’s small air force has just received a boost with the servicing of almost a dozen new aircraft, most of them fighters. The mobilization of reserve equipment and personnel comes amid preparations by Ukraine to confront Russia in the Azov Sea and Donbass areas.

According to preliminary reports, backed up by photo evidence, it appears that the newly commissioned aircraft include two MiG-29 fighters, one Su-27 fighter-interceptor, four L-39 light attack aircraft and two Mi-8MT attack-capable transport helicopters.

In addition to this several modern battlefield surveillance drones have also been readied for service with the Ukrainian Air Force.


The expansion of Ukraine’s air force comes amid a general mobilization of first-tier reservists from various services – mostly ground forces – throughout the country.

If Kiev remains committed to escalation with Moscow, then it is likely that even more – perhaps dozens – of Soviet-era combat aircraft held in Ukraine’s military depots will be brought out of storage and re-commissioned.

Whether or not Ukraine’s military budget will allow for the proper maintenance of an increased fighter fleet in a way where most aircraft can remain serviceable and combat-ready to be called on at a given moment is, in fact, another question.

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