Syria News

Tribal Arabs rise up against Kurdish forces in east Syria (Photos)

Tribal Arabs in far eastern Syria have staged a series of mass protests against US-backed Kurdish forces (YPG) according to reports by local activist sources which have provided pictures to back their claims.

Protests involving the use of fire (e.g. burning objects) have been reported in the east Syrian city of Al-Shaddadi (Al-Hasakah province) and the village of Al-Kasrah (Deir ez-Zour province). At least one of the protesting groups has been identified by local activists as the Al-Mahasen tribe.

The exact reason for the protests are still not really know. It is highly unlikely that Kurdish media will cover the event.


The following photos were released by the opposition-leaning Euphrates Post and Al-Khabour activist media groups. Muraselon cannot confirm their validity beyond what these agencies claim to the pictures to show:

Tensions between Kurdish forces and some Arab tribes in east Syria are high. Earlier in the year, the YPG experienced a very similar uprising in the Al-Raqqa region, conducted by the Al-Bukamis tribe in relation to the arrest of a tribal elder among other deprivations such as high tax rates imposed by the de-facto Kurdish PYD government of northern Syria.

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