Syria News

Refugees Under Pressure to Join US-Backed Militia

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have worsened the living conditions in refugee camps under their control to force young men join the SDF combat forces, local sources reported on Sunday.

The sources said that a large number of refugees at the SDF-run Mabroukah camp in Northern Hasaka took part in a demonstration against severe shortage of food stuff, medicines and other vitally needed items in their camp.

The sources said that many similar protests have been suppressed by the SDF, adding that the SDF has been intentionally worsening the living conditions in the camps to force the refugees, especially young men, to join the militia.


They went on to say that the SDF has sent expired consignments of medicines and food stuff to the camp, which have intoxicated a number children in Mabroukah.

The sources underscored that the entire SDF-run refugee camps in Deir Ezzur and Hasaka are suffering from shortage of sanitary services and acute shortage of food stuff.

SANA reported last week that tens of Hasaka residents poured into the streets in al-Nashvah neighborhood in Hasaka city, demonstrating against SDF-affiliated Asayesh security forces that prevented the school goers from going to centers that are still teaching the Damascus government’s educational system.

It went on to say that the protestors opposed the Asayesh’s measures in preventing public vehicles, including taxis and school transportation vehicles, from transferring the school goers to government-affiliated educational centers in different neighborhoods in Hasaka city.

SANA further said that the Asayesh was planning to cancel the Damascus government’s educational system and imposed their own curriculum on the school goers, but faced strong popular resistance.

It said that the SDF also continued arresting young men in Hasaka city to send them to military training camps.


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