Syria News

Damascus sends message to Kurds, revealing its next destination after Idlib

From Damascus, the Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem sent an important message to the Kurds and their troops operating in east of the Euphrates, asserting that the Syrian forces aim to regain control of the East Euphrates after the completion of Idlib file.

Following Idlib, our goal would be ‘east of the Euphrates’ and brothers there – whether the tribes or the Kurds – they have to decide what they want in the futureal-Moallem said during a press conference with his Iraqi counterpart Ibrahim al-Jaafari in Damascus.

If the Kurds want dialogue, there is a constitution and a law that regulates the relationship and if they do not want it, this is something else” he added.


We do not accept federalism or these violations of the Syrian constitution. They have to pay the price of sticking to the American illusion if they decide to do so” he said.

Kurdish media quoted an official in the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) as saying that “Kurdish forces are the second force in Syria now, so when the government  prepares for establishing a new Syrian constitution, must be represented properly!

SDF, supported by the US coalition, are now engaging in fierce battles against a terrorist organization of the Islamic State (ISIS) east of Euphrates in Hajjiin pocket.

Otherwise, heavy casualties from both of the SDF and coalition were reported following multiple suicide attacks occurred by ISIS near Hajjin according to the UK-based Syrian observatory.

Read more: Non-Syrian terrorist commanders killed by unknown raiders in Idlib

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