Syria News

Terrorists Oppose Russian-Turkish Agreement on Syria’s Idlib

Terrorists of the National Liberation Front on Sunday opposed an agreement endorsed by Russia and Turkey over the Northwestern province of Idlib following a similar opposition by Tahrir al-Sham Hay’at (the Levant Liberation Board or the Al-Nusra Front) and several other terrorist groups yesterday.

The Arabic-language website of RT reported that the Ankara-backed National Liberation Front which includes a number of Free Syrian Army units has stressed that it will not lay down arms and will never hand over their positions in Idlib in violation of the Sochi agreement endorsed by Ankara and Moscow over Idlib.

The Arabic RT further said that the National Liberation Front has kept its gunmen on alert to counter the Syrian Army.


The report further quoted Russian President Vladimir Putin as saying that the entire heavy weapons of the militant groups, including cannons, mortars, tanks and missile systems must be taken out of the demilitarized zone.

Earlier today, the Kurdish-language Hawar news quoted Aladdin al-Khaled, the head of Syria’s al-Mostaqbal Party in al-Shahba region, as reporting that Ankara is transferring Tahrir al-Sham Hay’at from Idlib to Afrin under the Sochi agreement on Idlib in an effort to rescue them.

It further said that a number of Tahrir al-Sham terrorists have entered the village of Deir Balout in Jandaris region in Afrin under the Turkish intelligence forces’ monitoring.

In the meantime, local sources in Afrin reported that the Turkish army and its allied militants have forced civilians to leave their residential units in the villages of Kokan Foqani, Kokan Tahtani and Dar Karah in Mobata region to settle family members of Idlib terrorists.

Also, the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said that the Ankara-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) has expelled almost 200 family members of Eastern Ghouta terrorists from a region in Afrin and moved them towards Idlib to pave the ground for sheltering the FSA members in Afrin.


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