Syria News

Syrian Conflict Won’t be Settled Until Idlib Issue is Resolved – Official

Earlier in the day, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters that the US shared Russia’s concerns over the presence of terrorist groups in the Syrian province of Idlib.


Russia acts precisely and selectively in Syria, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Wednesday.

“We, as it has been said many times, act precisely and selectively, trying to minimize possible risks for the civilian population,” Ryabkov told journalists while answering a question about Western statements that Russia had allegedly already started a military operation in Idlib.

Ryabkov also stated that Moscow did not trust signals from the UK and the US regarding the situation in Syria. He further noted that Russia was extremely concerned about the threat of a new provocation.

The official further stressed that the issue of the beginning of the military operation in Idlib would become clear after the leaders of Russia, Iran and Turkey meet at the Tehran summit to discuss ending the conflict on September 7.

When Syria’s major cities were liberated from terrorist groups by the Syrian government with Russia’s aid, the government provided the militants with safe passage to Idlib Province as part of peace negotiations.

At present, it is speculated that the province may face the threat of a chemical attack amid the UN Special Representative for Syria’s announcement that the terrorists have the ability to produce weaponized chlorine.

In addition, Russia said that there was evidence that Daesh was preparing false flag chemical attacks, provocations which could be used by the US and its allies as an excuse for attacking the forces of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Read More : Washington Shares Russian Concern Over Terrorists’ Presence in Syria’s Idlib


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