Syria News

Pictures: Russian-trained legion arrives in southern Idlib for upcoming offensive

More reinforcement from the Syrian military have been poured into the largest military operation during the war-torn country, as the Syrian command is amassing troops in southern Idlib areas.


The Russian well-trained legion of the 5th corps have recently arrived in the front-lines of northern Hama countryside that came from several areas across the country.

The 5th Corps includes four main brigades along with several volunteer groups in its forces including Assad Shield, Mahardeh Forces, ISIS Hunters, Ba’ath battalions and Tribal forces.

The 5th Legion was formed two years ago by the Russian military in order to fulfill a manpower need for the Syrian Arab Army, as since the establishment of the 5th Corps, the force was participated in several offensive operations the first and most important of which was the Palmyra operation. Troops of the 5th Corps were able to repel ISIS attacks against the key T4 Military Airbase in spite of the force’s relative lack of combat experience at that time.

Read also: +18: Syrian units ambush ISIS militants attempted to breakthrough in East of Sweida province


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