Syria News

Extremists Attempting to Break Through in Syria’s Homs – Russian MoD

Militant groups have increased combat activity in Syria’s Idlib, Homs and Latakia provinces, using aerial drones and suicide bombers to attack positions of Syrian government forces, the head of the Russian center for Syrian reconciliation said on Friday.

“Of particular concern is the situation in Idlib province where illegal armed groups that joined the ranks of Nusra Front terrorist organization [banned in Russia] have increased combat activity,” Maj. Gen. Alexei Tsygankov said at a daily briefing.

“There have been attempts by extremists to break through the Syrian army defenses in the northern part of Homs province with the use of suicide bombers, as well as attacks on the positions of government troops in Latakia province,” Tsygankov said.


“Launches of attack aerial drones are being carried out from the territory occupied by militants,” the general added.

According to Tsygankov, units of the Syrian government forces “are forced to take appropriate measures to stabilize the situation in the region.”

The Russian Defense Ministry said earlier on Friday that at least four ceasefire violations were recorded over the past 24 hours in the provinces of Latakia and Hama.

The number of areas, which signed reconciliation agreements, has remained the same and amounts to 2,518. The number of armed formations claiming that they observe the ceasefire has not changed either, standing at 234.

On Friday, Over 6,000 people were evacuated from the besieged settlements of Foua and Kefraya in the northern province of Idlib, representative of the Interdepartmental Coordination Committee Col. Igor Sergeev said. Foua and Kefraya have been besieged by militants for several years with the humanitarian situation remaining tense there.


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