Middle EastSyria News

Terrorists Will Return to Syria if Iran, Russia Withdraw Troops – Tehran

According to Iranian ex-foreign minister and Supreme Leader’s Aide Ali Akbar Velayati, Iranian and Russian troops will stay in Syria in order to guarantee that terrorists won’t continue their activity in Syria.


Addressing the Syrian conflict, the official stated, that Iranian troops would stay in Syria, as they have legitimate right to act in the region, adding that the US-led coalition was operating without permission from Damascus.

“Iran plans to continue its military presence in Syria. I believe, if we leave the country — Russia to leave it next and then the same terrorists will return back again,” Velayati stated on Friday during a session of the annual Valdai Discussion Club.

Iran has repeatedly emphasized that it has no troops in Syria, but has admitted to sending military advisers to assist Damascus in its fight against terrorists. In addition to this, Tehran’s presence in the country was authorized by the legitimate authorities in the nation. However, the situation was drawing a protest from Israel, which stressed it won’t not allow Iranian forces to stay in Syria and conducted a several airstrikes against alleged “Iranian outposts” on the Syrian territory.

Negotiations Between Washington and Tehran

Velayati also noted, that Iran had no trust for the US administration.

“We do not want to negotiate with the Americans. If they have illusions that we will come to hold negotiations, we do not need this. They are not worthy of addressing them. They in fact violate the obligations on Iran, approved by the UN Security Council. Why should we negotiate with them?” Velayati stressed.

These words were a response to the Donald Trump’s statement, that Tehran would “ask him for a deal at some point.”

On May 8, President Trump announced his decision to withdraw the US from the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran, which imposed strict curbs on Tehran’s nuclear program in exchange for loosening international sanction. The unilateral move was opposed by Ira, Russia, China and the European parts of the deal.


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