Syria News

Daraa Map : Syrian Army liberates Busra al-Harir along with 44 villages in northeast Daraa

Syrian Army units have successfully overrun rebel forces in northeast Daraa; recapturing the entire Lajat region including the strategic town of Busra al-Harir after heavy battles with terrorist groups.
A military source told MURASELON that Army troops are currently mopping-up several towns and villages of Lajat after rebels massive withdrawal from the area.
Early morning, the government forces imposed full control over towns of Busra al-Harir and Malihat al-Atash located east of Izra’a; seizing 6 tanks and huge quantities of weapons and ammunition.
Rebel accounts on social media mourned the death of at least 19 militants killed during battles with the Syrian Army in north and northeast Daraa.
Meanwhile, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) said a wide-scale demining process is underway; concurrently with setting up new positions which will propel the Syrian forces to expand its control southward.
The number of towns and villages of Lajat now being mopped-up amounts to 43; all have been recaptured in only 4 days of battles which broke out after militants rejected a reconciliation offer.

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