Syria News

Russia to establish a Satellite, reconstructs Harbor, Airports and more in Syria

Russian businessmen have recently visited Damascus; the capital of Syria, to establish a large number of projects and agreements including a satellite and air crafts, as 158 Russian companies to start working soon.
According to the Russian agency of Sputnik, the recent visit of the Russian businessmen to Damascus also concluded with an agreement to build silos, factories, training centers and a new port in Lattakia.
“Ruslan Mirza Gneif”, head of the Cubit group of companies, was quoted as saying that he had held meetings with Syrian businessmen in Russia and agreed with them on behalf of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce to set up several projects in Syria.
The Cubit Group includes 158 giant companies in the fields of rebuilding cities, airports, harbors, oil and agricultural companies, geological survey, oil exploration and other companies.
On the media domain, Samer Osman, head of the Syrian-Russian Business Council, suggested the idea of the satellite during the meeting with Information Minister ‘Imad Sarah’, because the Syrian Tv channels are banned in western satellites.
Osman added that “the Russian group has proposed the idea of broadcasting the Syrian channels via Russian satellite, and the group expressed readiness to provide us with one of its satellites, because it owns several satellites for scientific research, and it can be booked to operate within the orbit of the region to broadcast through.”
In the same context, the project of expanding the port of Tartous and construction of a new port in Lattakia with B.O.T system were also suggested. Also, improving the reality of the Syrian Air Company by provision of spare parts and engines.
Read also: WATCH +20: Kornet-D ATGM annihilates jihadists group into smithereens in western Hama.

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