Syria News

VIDEO: Russian Su 34 humiliates northern Aleppo militants with FAB-500 bombs

Video footage released by Russian media, shows moment a Russian Su 34 bombarding rebel positions in Al-Layramon area in northern Aleppo city.
In responding to the recent militants shelling on residential areas in Al-Zahraa neighborhood in western Aleppo.
According the report from Russian media, the rebel bombarding has managed to hit a Russian military police checkpoint near Al-Zahraa district, that made the Russians angry and conducted several airstrikes as a reaction.
According to the agency, the Russian Su 34 fighter jets launched air strikes on ammunition stores and rocket launchers in the area of ​​the Al-Lermon area in the outskirts of Aleppo, which is controlled by the militants.
Terrorist groups continue to violate the de-escalation agreement of Astana, by repeatedly targeting the western suburbs of Aleppo and it’s surrounding by rocket-propelled grenades

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