Middle East

Ansarullah leader: Saudi Arabia, Emirates puppets of US, Israel

The Leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement says Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are puppets of Washington and Tel Aviv.
Abdul Malik Badreddin al-Houthi made the remarks during a televised address aired by al-Masirah TV channel on Sunday, where he accused the US and Israel of pushing Saudi Arabia towards its deadly war on Yemen.
“Thousands of infiltrations and operations by US-backed Saudi-led coalition troops have been foiled, and the Yemeni people have lived many triumphs,” he said.
Houthi further accused Saudi Arabia and the UAE of financially supporting Takfiri terrorist groups in war-torn Yemen.
“The decision of invading the Yemeni western coast has been taken and adopted by the United States of America,” he added.
Noting that the Saudis are trying to abolish Yemen’s freedom, Houthi stressed that it was the people of Yemen’s right to defend their country.
“Those who bet on the support of foreign forces will never reach satisfied results,” he stressed.
“The war on Yemen is a foreign military aggression…Some mercenary leaders of the Saudi-led coalition have recently complained over the coalition acts, and become aware that the coalition forces are occupiers,” he further noted.
In the past couple of months, Yemeni army units, backed by allied fighters from Popular Committees and fighters from the popular Houthi Ansarullah movement, have managed to hit different targets, either military or economic targets, in Saudi Arabia with ballistic missiles, rockets or drone attacks.
Press TV

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