Middle East

US anti-Iran sanctions will further endanger Mideast: French FM

France has criticized the US for scrapping the Iran nuclear deal and resorting, instead, to a policy of pressure and sanctions against the country, warning that such an approach could further destabilize the restive Middle East region.
Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told France Inter radio on Wednesday that he disagreed with Washington’s decision earlier this month to defy international warnings and withdraw from the 2015 nuclear deal.
“The sanctions to be launched against Iran will not foster dialogue,” but will rather weaken those promoting negotiation, he said.
This stance, he added, “is likely to put the region in further danger than it is today,” he added.
The remarks came two days after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo threatened Iran with the “strongest sanctions in history” if it does not comply with a list of 12 US demands.
The list requires Iran to halt its ballistic missile program and stop uranium enrichment, among other things.
In response, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said it is “not acceptable at all” that a man who worked at an espionage service for many years is now making decisions for Iran and other countries after assuming the position of US secretary of state.
“Who are you to decide for Iran and the world?” Rouhani asked.
On May 8, US President Donald Trump vowed to reinstate nuclear sanctions on Iran and impose “the highest level” of economic bans on the Islamic Republic after announcing Washington’s pullout from the multilateral nuclear deal.
Tehran has said it would make a decision on its future role in the accord in the coming weeks following negotiations with the other signatories of the deal.
Press TV

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