Syria News

Tens of ISIS terrorists flee rebel prison in Idlib

Scores of ISIS terrorists held prisoners by a rival rebel group in north Idlib have managed to escape amid rising tensions in the jihadi-controlled province.
The captured ISIS militants were operating in eastern Idlib when they surrendered to Hayyat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) in last February.
According to pro-opposition media, masked gunmen broke-through a prison run by Ahrar al-Sham Islamist faction in Binnsh town of Idlib, and set free up to 40 ISIS militants, who run away to an unknown location.
What’s more, reportedly the ISIS militansts were taken out in coordination with Ahrar Al-Sham leaders in exchange for a substantial amount of money with a truce with the Islamist faction .
Read more: Iraqi jets pulverize ISIS bases inside the Syrian territories.

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