Syria News

Syrian Army Uncovers Dozens of Dead Bodies in Mass Graves in E Ghouta – Reports

Syrian army forces patrolling the recently liberated suburbs of Damascus have uncovered mass graves containing the victims of terrorists who were recently driven out of the area.
Syrian government troops discovered 172 bodies buried in a mass grave located in al-Shifouniyeh Farms in Eastern Ghouta, Fars News Agency reports.
According to a local source, cited by the media outlet, the people interred there were shot dead a “long time ago.”
Another similar grave containing some 40 corpses was also discovered by Syrian troops in Fowj al-Naql in Eastern Ghouta.
Syrian government forces recaptured the Eastern Ghouta enclave on the outskirts of the Syrian capital Damascus earlier this year. The last town, Douma, was retaken from militants on April 12, according to Russia’s Defense Ministry.

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