Syria News

Syrian Army Possesses Modern Russia-Made Pansir Systems – Source

Russia has not transferred S-300 air defense missile systems to Syria, a military-diplomatic source told Sputnik on Wednesday.
“The Syrian government forces posses a variety of air defense systems, both — the Soviet-made and the Russian made,” the source said.
The source dismissed reports that S-300 systems were allegedly handed to Syria “a month ago.”
“The Syrian government troops have no Russian S-300 air defense missile system,” he said.
The source added that the systems showed themselves off effectively during the latest missile attacks by the US, the UK and France on Syria.
The United States, the United Kingdom and France carried out strikes on Syria on April 14 following reports of a chemical weapons attack in the Damascus suburb of Douma, which they believed was carried out by the Syrian government. Damascus has refuted the accusations, saying that the chemical attack was staged, and condemned the Western strikes.

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