Syria News

Jihadi civil-war flares up again in western Aleppo, dozens killed

The Syrian Liberation Front (SLF) seized control 2 villages in the western countryside of Aleppo after Sunday’s clashes with the “Sham Liberation Organization”.
The Syrian Liberation Front (Jabhat Tahrir Souriya) alliance includes Ahrar al-Sham and the Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement and Sugour Al-Sham. The newly-formed group is engaged in a war against its main rival; HTS.
Opposition sources reported that the “SLF” fighters launched a counter-attack against “HTS” in Daret Ezzah area and managed to gain control over “Ajel and Tuqad”.
Furthermore, in the southern countryside of jihadist-controlled Idlib province, the al-Qaeda-linked Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham killed Muhammad Abu al-Biishr, the son of Suqour al-Sham military commander Aby Ayssa al-Sheikh during clashes in Mariyan town.

Read more: Syrian Army Tests Local-Modified Mine Clearing Vehicle Simulates UR-77 Tank.

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