Middle EastSyria NewsVideo

VIDEO | Iraqi air forces hit ISIS positions in Syria in coordination with Damascus

The Iraqi air force says has launched deadly strikes against Daesh positions in Syria as both neighboring countries step up efforts to get rid of the terror group’s remnants.
The office of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced in a statement on Thursday that Daesh positions in Syria came under attack from the Iraqi side of the border.
The raids were ordered by the premier “because of the danger they [terrorists] pose to Iraqi territory,” the statement said.
The Iraqi military’s spokesman, Brigadier General Yahya Rasool, also said F-16 fighter jets were used in the operation, which was carried out in coordination with the Damascus government.
Daesh first emerged in Syria and Iraq back in 2014, capturing swathes of land in both neighboring states.
It took over three years for the national Iraqi and Syrian armies to liberate those areas from the grip of the world’s most notorious terror outfit.
Damascus and Baghdad declared Syria and Iraq fully free of Daesh late last year and have since been involved in clear-up operations against the extremist group’s remnants.
Despite the collapse of Daesh, Iraq’s border regions with Syria are still suffering from sporadic attacks by the remaining terrorists.

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