Syria News

Militants May Plot Chemical Attack to Set Stage for Joint Offensive in south Syria

A military diplomatic source reported on Thursday that Militants in south Syria are planning to launch simultaneous chemical attacks against government forces.
Militants may plot a chemical attack against civilians to set stage for joint offensive, according to the military diplomatic source. The source said that militants are going to launch attacks on government forces in Daraa, al-Baath and suburbs in south Syria
Al-Nusra Front terror group has been advocating joint offensive against government troops on claims of violations of de-escalation regime, the source said.
“Nusra’s joint operation headquarters invited other groups in early April… to stage a simultaneous offensive against government troops,” the source claimed.
The groups seek to create an autonomous state in areas under their control with US support, the military diplomatic source said.
“Tensions have escalated in southern Syria in the past few weeks. Despite US claims, the Islamic State terror group* [Daesh] continues to play a major role in the Yarmouk valley, alongside the Free Syrian Army and the Nusra Front,” the source said.
“The end goal of the planned operation is to seize land and create a US-backed autonomy outside of Damascus’s control with the capital in Daraa, similar to what we see in northeastern Syria where the DFNS is in control,” the source added.
The source also reported that Free Syrian Army (FSA) group as well as the al-Nusra Front terrorists, main militant forces in southern Syria, have some 12.000 fighters and hundreds of units of military equipment, supplied by Israel and Jordan.
A US-Russia-Jordan coordination center in Amman has informed US and Jordanian authorities of recurring attacks by militants against Syrian government forces in the country’s south, but no action has been taken to thwart them.
Moreover, US convoys loaded with what is claimed to be relief aid have been streaming into militant-held territories.
“No one knows what these convoys carry because the Americans are in full control of these alleged humanitarian deliveries,” the source stressed.

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