Syria NewsVideo

Video: During latest Syrian military campaign, soldiers storm, gain new territories in central Syria

The Syrian government troops initiated – on Sunday – a military operation targeting the terror group sites of “Hayyat Tahrir Al-Sham” (HTS) in the Hama – Homs pocket.
A military source confirmed to MURASELON that army units – supported by heavy Syrian and Russian airstrikes – advanced in to axes; Qantara town where the troops marched on from Tal Darra and Taqsis, the second is Tal Omari- Qantarat.
The first gain of the Syrian troops was capturing the Al-Hamrat village that neighboring the vital highway linking Homs – Salamiyah to Hama provincial capital, local media reported yesterday.
Battleground video footage released by the war media team, features Syrian forces breaking through the rebel defenses, moments after launching their wide-scale military operation.
Recently, several towns and villages of the southern countryside of Hama have reconciled with the Syrian government by mediation of the Russian Reconciliation Center whereby scores of militants had their status settled after Army units took over the reconciled villages.

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