Syria News

Washington Wants Regional Allies to 'Put More Skin Into the Game' in Syria

The United States wants its allies in the region to step up their efforts in Syria, while its purpose is to transition to local enforcement in the country, White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a briefing on Wednesday.
“We want to focus on transitioning to local enforcement and do that over this process to make sure that there is no reemergence of ISIS* and takeaway of some of the progress that we’ve made,” Sanders said.
The spokesperson said the purpose would be “to transition and train local enforcement as well as have our allies and partners in the region who have a lot more at risk to put more skin into the game, and certainly that’s something that the President wants to see happen for them to step up and for them to do more.”
On March 29, Donald Trump pledged to pull US troops out of Syria “very soon” to “let the other people take care of it”. However, after the announcement, the commander of US Central Command, made it clear that American troops would remain in Syria in the future.
“There still are some areas where they are present and that we will have to continue to operate on,” General Joseph Votel said.
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