Syria News

6,700+ Militants and Their Families Have Left E Ghouta – Russian Defense Min.

More than 6,700 militants and their families left Syria’s Eastern Ghouta region near Damascus via a humanitarian corridor on Monday; they were transported to Idlib province, the Russian Defense Ministry said Tuesday.
“As a result of the agreements reached, the senior officials of the Russian center for Syrian reconciliation with the leaders of the Failaq al-Rahman group continued to withdraw the Failaq al-Rahman militants from the settlement of Irbin (Eastern Ghouta) on March 26. On March 26, 6,749 militants and members of their families left the area through the organized humanitarian corridor and were transported by 110 buses to the province of Idlib,” the ministry’s statement read.
The total number of militants and their families, who have left Irbin in the past three days, has reached 13,190 people, the ministry added.
Furthermore, as a result of the agreements reached by the Russian reconciliation center with the leaders of illegal armed groups, 26 illegally detained Syrian servicemen and civilians, who were held captive by the Failaq al-Rahman group, were released on Monday, according to the statement.
The situation in Eastern Ghouta has been tense over the past months, resulting in ongoing shelling by local militants of Damascus and fire from the Syrian pro-government forces. Damascus says it opens fire in response to shelling from Eastern Ghouta, but Western countries are accusing the Syrian government and Russia of being responsible for the escalation of tensions in the area.
On February 24, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2401 that urges all parties to the conflict in Syria to immediately stop fighting and adhere to a humanitarian ceasefire for at least 30 days across the whole of Syria in order to ensure the safe and unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid, as well as the medical evacuation of injured people.

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