Syria News

Militants Tried to Derail Civilian Evacuation in Syria's Hamoryah – Russian MoD

The Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria said Friday that militants’ snipers had been eliminated during an attempt to derail civilian evacuation via humanitarian corridor in Syria’s Hamoryah, which is a part of Eastern Ghouta.
“Today [Friday] militants made an attempt to disrupt the withdrawal of civilians from the village of Hamoryah. Several snipers opened fire at the leaving people. The measures were taken to eliminate the snipers, the withdrawal of civilians resumed,” the center said.
The Russian center for Syrian reconciliation is negotiating with militants the issue of evacuation residents of the Arbil settlement, who have also expressed their desire to leave the area.
According to the data, provided by the center, over 14,500 civilians have left Syria’s Eastern Ghouta since the introduction of daily humanitarian pauses in the area in late February.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov urged the US-led coalition the day before to stop supporting terrorists in Syria, especially in Eastern Ghouta, adding that Moscow would make “humanitarian exceptions,” meaning that those who wanted to exit the combat area and receive humanitarian aid can use the humanitarian corridors.

 The same day, Maj. Gen. Yuri Yevtushenko, the head of the Russian Center for Syrian reconciliation, said that a total of 11,640 people had left the besieged Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta since the introduction of daily humanitarian pauses in the area on February 28.
Despite the establishment of a safe zone in the region and the 30-day truce operating across the country in accordance with the UNSC resolution, tensions in the Damascus suburb continue to mount. The Syrian government forces started military operations in the region in a bid to clear the area of militants. The truce, stipulated by the resolution, do not apply to anti-terrorist operations.
Militants continue to shell Damascus, with Russian President Vladimir Putin saying last month that terrorists in Eastern Ghouta had been shelling Damascus around 50-80 times a day, including the region of Russia’s embassy.
However, the US instantly shifts the blame on Damascus, saying that the Syrian forces been conducting airstrikes in Eastern Ghouta, which had claimed lives of civilians.
At the same time, earlier this month, the Russian center for Syrian reconciliation reported that Syrian terrorists were preparing provocations involving chemical warfare agents in Eastern Ghouta, which would be used by western states as a pretext for accusing Damascus of the use of chemical weapons against Syrian civilian population.

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