Syria News

Russian MoD Urges US Not to Hinder UN Access to Syria's Raqqa

Russia is calling on the United States not to hinder the access of humanitarian organizations and the United Nations to the city of Raqqa, Syria and in the Al-Rukban refugee camp to assess the gravity of the situation, the Russian Defense Ministry said.
According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the only areas in Syria where the requirements of UN Security Council Resolution 2401 are completely ignored and there is no help for the population remains the destroyed city of Raqqa, as well as the Al-Rukban refugee camp in the US-controlled area of At-Tanf. Since the entry into force of the resolution, no humanitarian convoy has been delivered there. The residents’ situation is estimated to be a humanitarian disaster.
“We urge the United States to fulfill its obligations under UNSC 2401, not to impede access to controlled areas for representatives of international humanitarian organizations and the UN to assess the severity of the humanitarian situation and take urgent measures to provide the necessary assistance to the civilian population,” the statement said.
The UN Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 2401 that urges all parties to the conflict to immediately halt all clashes and adhere to a long-term humanitarian pause on the entire territory of Syria in order to ensure safe and unhindered humanitarian aid deliveries, as well as medical evacuations for those injured.
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