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Breaking Map | Syrian army captures regiment 274 base , cut Shifunyah-Utaya main supply line in E.Ghouta

Military source told Muraselon website that Syrian Army units managed to fully capture regiment 274 base west of recently captured Hawsh Dawahra town and south of militants held Shifunyah town in E.Ghouta after heavy clashes with militants in the area
the source added that Syrian army units also managed to advance 1km deep south of SAA held air defense base toward Uataya town
with this advance, The Syrian army managed to cut main supply line between Shifunyah and Uataya town after capturing the main road that connect both towns
Tens of militants were killed during the operation today, also plenty of weapons were seized and tens of tunnels, trenches were destroyed and captured
Read More | Pictures: Syrian troops capture “Death frontline” from eastern Ghouta militants

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