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Moscow warns US not to play with fire in Syria

Russia calls on the US not to play with fire in Syria and measure its steps proceeding from the interests of the Syrian people and the region as a whole, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday at the opening of the Valdai Discussion Club’s conference dubbed “Russia in the Middle East: Playing on All Fields.”
When the issue concerns the need to preserve Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, “we cannot but observe with concern attempts to disintegrate Syria,” he said. “Such concerns arise after studying the plans which the US is starting to implement on soil, chiefly east of the Euphrates, on the vast territories between this river and Syria’s borders with Iraq and Turkey.
It seems that our American counterparts’ pledges that their sole goal in Syria is the war on ISIS (a former name of Islamic State, a terror organization that is outlawed in Russia – TASS) and preserving the territorial integrity need to be confirmed with specific actions.
I once again call on our American colleagues not to play with fire and measure their steps proceeding not from immediate needs of today’s political environment, but rather from long-term interests of the Syrian people and of all peoples of this region, including the Kurds, of course, be it Syria or Iraq or other countries of the region,” the diplomat said.

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