Syria News

Russian Mod statement about the " US Attack on Pro-Government Syrian Forces "

The Russian Defense Mionistry said on Thursday that the Syrian Forces were carrying out an anti-Daesh operation near the Al-Isba oil refinery in the Deir ez-Zor province when they were attacked by US-led coalition’s aircraft.

“While carrying out the task, Syrian Forces were subjected to sudden mortar shelling and artillery rocket fire; after that the helicopters of the US-led international coalition struck them,” the statement reads, saying that a total of 25 of Syrian Forces were killed in an aerial attack ” 

The Defense Ministry highlighted that the attack showcased that the real goal behind US “illegal military presense in Syria” is control over the country’s assets rather than fight against Daesh terrorist group.
The US-led coalition has described the attack as retaliation to an “unprovoked attack” by pro-government armed Forces on the headquarters of the Syrian Democratic Forces’s (SDF), US allies in the region.
Read More |Details of US-led coalition Airstrikes Against Syrian Army forces in Deir Ezzor

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