Syria News

Breaking | Syrian artillery targets Turkish convoy in south Aleppo (Video)- Reports

Activists published images showing a Turkish military convoy composed of several armored vehicles entering Syrian territory and attempting to mobilize near Tal al-Eis which overlooks Syrian Army points in the Hader region of south Aleppo.
Media sources talked about an estimated 100 Turkish military vehicles including 15 tanks heading in the direction of Tal Al-Eis under the supervision of the HTS terror group.
Opposition media groups confirmed the targeting of the aforementioned convoy by Syrian Army forces and allied factions in Hader with Turkish units returning fire after settling the 4th position near Al-Eis hill.

Pages loyal to HTS also stated that the Turkish convoy was partially subjected to artillery fire by the Syrian Army. Those same sources also suggested that part of the Turkish forces proceeded south of the area with unknown destination amidst noticeable activity of Turkish F-16 jets in northern Syria and the presence of 5 Russian warplanes northwest of Abu Duhour.

Activists noted that Russian aerial activity struck a series of air strikes around Al-Eis and the M5 Highway between Aleppo and Hama in attempt to halt the Turkish convoy’s movement.
Sources confirmed the withdrawal of the Turkish vehicles towards the Qanater area of Aleppo’s southern countryside after confrontation with the Syrian Army units based in Hader

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