Syria News

Syrian Army ambushes Ahrar al-Sham in Atshan, killing dozens

Field sources confirmed to Muraselon that a large group of Ahrar militants was led into a deadly ambush in the village of Atshan in Hama’s northern countryside.
This game after the rebel groups launched a big counterattack early morning on a number of government military positions in Idlib and Hama’s countrysides.
The source added that over 50 fighters from Ahrar had been killed or injured including commanders like Abu Saif Kafr Uwaid and the military commander of Brigade 11 in Jaish al-Nasr Ibrahim Al-Alyan Abu Rabi’ with his group.
Syrian Army units are currently engaged in the fiercest battles with Nusra terrorists and their allies in the Khuwein and Atshan axes as Syrian and Russian air strikes pummel rebel positions

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