Syria News

Russian jets neutralize Libyan senior commander in Syria’s Lattakia

The Russian aerospace forces continue its strict missions in combating the terror groups of Islamic state and Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham across the Syrian territories.

According to jihadists sources, The Russian air-forces conducted powerful airstrikes in northern Lattakia and around of Jisr A-Shoughor, killing the Libyan nationality HTS commander of “Abu Sufiyan Al-Liby.”

Three days ago, the jihadists of HTS fired batch of grad rockets against the coastal city of Jableh, in response, Russian bombers carried out massive airstrikes in north Lattakia.


Recently, the Russian President Vladimir Putin made a surprise visit to the Khmeimim Air Base in Syria’s Latakia province, During the visit, Putin announced the beginning of the withdrawal of Russian troops from the country.



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