Syria News

Beit Jenn jihadists on the move to Idlib as Syrian Army announces full victory

Recently, the Syrian Army has signed a peaceful agreement with the militants of Beit Jenn pocket near the occupied Golan Heights.

The agreement says to transport the Beit Jenn militants towards Idlib and Daraa provinces as Syrian Army enters their years-lasting areas in western Damascus.

On today afternoon, ten government buses and ambulances arrived in the Beit Jinn area of the West Ghouta to transport the jihadist rebels to the Idlib Governorate, Military source reported.


According to the Syrian military, at least 300 jihadist rebels from Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham will be transported from Beit Jinn to Idlib as part of the ceasefire deal.

Another batch of Beit Jenn militants is expected to leave in the upcoming few days.

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