Syria News

Russian airstrike kills HTS media outlet Chief in north Hama countryside

According to Al-Nusra official account on ” Telegram ” , the Russian air forces have killed the HTS media outlet Chief called ” Abo Hamza al-Hamwi ” by an airstrike on HTS HQ in north Hama country side

” Abo Hamza al-Hamwi ” was the media Chief of ” Ibaa Agency ” which is HTS official media outlet.

Today , Military source told muraselon website  that the Syrian and Russian warplanes began Sunday (December 25th) to destroy a bank of very large targets of ‘HTS’ positions in the northern Hama countryside, and the raids spread to the outskirts of Sarkab in the eastern countryside of Idlib.


The military source told Muraselon that the strike force in the Syrian army and under the command of Brigadier Suhail al-Hassan preparing for the wide-scale offensive, which will launch in several directions and axes at once.

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