Syria News

Russian armory to be kept in Syria after eliminating terrorist groups – Report

“Russia will keep in Syria key types of weapons and military equipment, including fighter jets, attack aircraft, strategic bombers, unmanned aerial vehicles and a portion of armored vehicles” former commander of Russian aerospace forces, Victor Bondaryov said.

“I think Russia will keep all the major types of weapons out there now, such as the S-35S, Su-30SM, Su-25SM bombers, the long-range T2-22M bombers, the T2 160- and T2- MS, the drone aircraft Orlan and Forbust” Bondaryov said.

Bondaryov also cited that ” The main task of the military advisors – after the final defeat of the terrorists in Syria – is to determine exactly the necessary amount of weapons for the post-war period, based on long-term strategic security requirements.”


Source: Sputnik Arabic.

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