Syria News

US still arming kurdish fighters in Syria

Washington has continued arming the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria despite US President Donald Trump’s promise to his Turkish counterpart over an immediate halt in aiding the Kurdish fighters, dissident-affiliated websites reported on Monday.

The websites reported that a convoy of military vehicles carrying arms and ammunition entered Northern Syria last night.

Ankara said on Friday that Trump told Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that he had issued instructions that weapons should not be provided to Kurdish fighters in Syria.


“Our discomfort regarding the provision of weapons to the YPG was conveyed to Mr. Trump once again… Trump very clearly said he had given instructions to not provide weapons to the YPG,” Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said in Ankara.

“We welcome the promise of not providing weapons to the YPG, and want to see it implemented practically.” Cavusoglu added.

According to a report by the Washington Post, the US plans to keep its troops in Syria long after the defeat of ISIL.

Washington has been justifying its deployment of ground troops in Syria, which violates the embattled nation’s sovereignty, by citing the need to fight ISIL.



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