Syria NewsSyria War Maps

Map update: Syrian Army overruns Al-Qaeda jihadists in northeastern Hama, gains new town

The government troops backed by allied forces resumed their military mission objectives targeting Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham positions in the northeastern countryside of Hama province.

On Monday, the Syrian forces managed to kick out HTS jihadists from key village of Al-Mustariha located 3 km south of main terrorists stronghold of Al-Rahajan in Hama countryside.

With this advancement, the Syrian troops securing more territories north of the Strategic town of Al-Sa’an; 50 kilometers northeast of Salamiyah and northeast of Hama. According to the Syria Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), al-Sa’an had a population of 3,360 in the 2004 census. Its inhabitants are predominantly Ismailis.


Elsewhere in Hama province, the Syrian combat troops killed one of the notorious terrorist commander for the HTS near Balil area, in their latest advance. 

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