Middle East

New Hezbollah video exposes Israeli bases in occupied Golan Heights

Hezbollah released on 9 July a new nine-minute video showing drone footage of sensitive Israeli army sites in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, among other locations.


The video begins with footage of several intelligence and early warning radar system sites, five of which are in the occupied Golan Heights and one in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa farms.

These sites are responsible for long-range espionage, monitoring, and electronic warfare, such as signal jamming, according to the video.

Forces from the army’s 9900 and 8200 units, as well as cyber warfare units, are stationed across these sites. Further forces nearby are responsible for border security and protecting and maintaining these bases.

The sites are referred to by Israel as the “Eyes of the State,” Hezbollah explains.

The video also included footage of the command-and-control headquarters across the occupied Golan Heights and lists the specific Israeli army units that occupy these sites, some of which were established after 7 October.

Iron Dome platforms across the Golan Heights are also visible in the footage filmed by undetected Hezbollah drones.

The Keila barracks, one of the biggest training facilities in the Golan Heights – which the group has targeted several times – is included in the footage.

Sites in Nahariya, Haifa, Safad, Afula, and the occupied Shebaa Farms and Kfar Shuba hills are also shown.

The footage is a continuation of a Hezbollah video released on 18 June, which showed sensitive sites across the Israeli north – including the port of Haifa and all the military sites, installations, and warships within it.

“The Hezbollah video conveys an unequivocal message to Israel, that the party is present inside Israel by the air, land, and sea, and is planning what comes next, and that is capable of carrying out severe strikes,” Israel’s Channel 14 news outlet said last month about the first video, adding that the filming of the footage was “an Israeli security failure of the first degree … The situation in the north is much worse than we imagine.”


Another video released on 22 June showed that Hezbollah is capable of attacking the port of Ashdod, the Hadera power station, the Ramat David Military Airport in Afula, Pengrion Airport, Nevatim air base, oil refineries on the coast, and the Research Center at the Dimona Nuclear Reactor.

The new video comes as the crossfire between Israel and Hezbollah has escalated significantly in recent days.


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