World News

Yemen Air Defenses Shoot Down US MQ-9 Reaper Drone

The air defense forces of the Yemeni armed forces shot down an American unmanned aerial vhicle mq-9 reaper while it was carrying out hostile missions in the airspace of Yemen , Yemeni Media said .


Photos shared on “X” shows the Downed MQ-9 Drone

The American drone MQ9 is the sixth that Yemen has been downing since October 7


Later , The Air Defense Forces of the Yemeni Armed Forces succeeded, by the grace of Allah, in shooting down an American MQ-9 drone during its hostile mission in the skies of Marib Governorate this Wednesday morning, Yemeni forces said in a Statement .

The targeting operation was carried out with a locally-made surface-to-air missile, and the footage of shooting it down

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