
Warning of a devastating 8-magnitude earthquake tomorrow : SSGEOS

The Dutch Seismic Research Institute SSGEOS warned of the possibility of a devastating earthquake of magnitude 8 Richter on Friday, April 19, as a result of the conjunction of the Earth with the planet Mercury, and the Institute confirmed that this conjunction has caused devastating earthquakes in the past, in 2004 and 2013

Frank Hogerpets, a Dutch seismic researcher, warned countries not to prepare for a devastating earthquake from April 20 to 24.

The Netherlands Institute for Seismological Research (SSGEOS) explained that the conjunction of Earth with Mercury and Venus on April 19 could lead to a devastating earthquake, as this conjunction coincided in the past with the full moon in 2004 and 2013.


Hogerbits said we must study planetary geometry to understand astronomical phenomena and their impact on Earth.

Regarding volcanic activity, Hogerbets noted that a potential earthquake could affect volcanoes, but it is difficult to predict due to the many volcanic activities that occur constantly.

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