Syria News

Syria : Ongoing protests calling for overthrow of HTS leader in Idlib

The cities of Idlib and Jisr al-Shughur, controlled by the terrorist Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) group in northwestern Syria, witnessed protests after the Taraweeh prayers demanding the dissolution of the group’s so-called Security Apparatus and unraveling the fate of detainees in its prisons.

Similarly, demonstrations emerged from mosques in the towns of Binnish and Kfar Takharim in northern Idlib countryside, raising slogans calling for the ousting of HTS chief Abu Mohammad al-Jolani.

Areas in the countryside of Idlib and Western Aleppo have been witnessing daily protests for over three weeks following the arrest of hundreds of HTS members by al-Jolani’s Security Apparatus, under the pretext of their alleged collaboration with foreign parties.


The protesters are demanding the ousting of al-Jolani and the dissolution of his Security Apparatus due to the arrests and enforced disappearances of thousands, as well as the imposition of additional taxes, which has tightened the noose around the locals and deprived them of basic life necessities.

Last week, al-Jolani said that the demands of protesters “are not permissible in the time being” for implementation, indicating that there are “red lines that no one should reach.”

Al-Jolani said that the HTS will intervene to protect the areas that it controls, demanding that “destabilizing” protests be stopped.

The leader of the terror group made his remarks during a talk he called for, in the presence of hundreds of militants and residents of Idlib on Tuesday.

Al Mayadeen

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