Middle East

” We hit three Israeli and American ships in the Indian Ocean” : Yemeni forces

In a speech at the weekly million-man march, the Yemeni Armed Forces announced the targeting three Israeli and American ships in the Indian Ocean.

Yemeni forces said in a statement :

the Yemeni Armed Forces warn all Israeli ships heading to or coming from the ports of occupied Palestine not to pass through the Cape of Good Hope, otherwise they will be a legitimate target for our armed forces.


The Yemeni Armed Forces, within the framework of implementing these directives, carried out three operations against three Israeli and American ships in the Indian Ocean, using a number of suitable naval missiles and drones, and all three operations successfully achieved their objectives.

The Yemeni Armed Forces persist with their military operations, enforcing a blockade on Israeli navigation in the Red and Arabian Seas as well as the Indian Ocean, until a ceasefire is achieved and the siege on Gaza is lifted.

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