World News

Israel on high alert following reports of Hezbollah acquiring electromagnetic weaponry

plants and energy network systems, especially Israel’s electrical power systems, which are, of course, primary targets.


The weapon is expected to be delivered via drones, similar to the recent Houthi drone attack near the US embassy in Tel Aviv. It is speculated that the electromagnetic pulse could replace the warhead in the drone, though it is uncertain if the pulse can be efficiently triggered upon reaching the target.

**Certain Death for Electronic ‘Cockroaches’**

The Israeli defense expert compares the fearsome electromagnetic weapon to nuclear weaponry, noting both have devastating effects. While nuclear weapons crush everything, including cockroaches, the current weapon will not spare electronic “cockroaches”, a term referring to the tiny operational chips in all modern devices. This means a complete paralysis of all vital facilities in any country exposed to its threat.

This weapon could potentially expose military and offensive defense systems, delivering a deadly blow to all infrastructure. Therefore, Israel is not safe under the threat of such weapons, which are as dangerous as internationally banned non-conventional weapons, according to the Israeli expert’s warning.


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