Syria News

The former second man in Al-Qaeda in Syria killed by a bomb explosion in Idelb

The former second man in Al-Qaeda in Syria Maysar Al-Jubouri, known as Abu Maria Al-Qahtani (an Iraqi jihadist) was killed on Thursday 4/4/2024 by a bombing inside his guesthouse in Idlib.

Several media outlets affiliated with armed groups in Syria reported that al-Qahtani was transferred to Bab al-Hawa Hospital, where he breathed his last.

On the manner of his death, different accounts via platform (X) said that he was killed after being gifted a booby-trapped sword, while other sources said that he was killed by an explosive device.


The fingers point to Al-Julani, the leader of the terrorist Al-Nusra Front, because Al-Qahtani was considered his archenemy, especially since he remained in Al-Nusra prisons for seven months on charges of “treason and labor.”

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