Syria News

US-led Coalition strike in Idlib kills dozens of jihadists – details, video

A few hours ago, reports began to emerge from the mostly jihadist-controlled province of Idlib in Syria that a strike conducted by the US-led International Coalition had hit a large gathering of various Al-Qaeda factions.
In particular, opposition sources say that the strikes (probably conducted by cruise missiles, since bombs were said not to have been used) hit a gathering near the town of Kafraya, north of Idlib city.
The US-led Coalition strike, which was reportedly conducted out of Turkey, targeted members of the Ansar al-Tawhid group (previously Jund al-Aqsa, an old Islamic State affiliate, now aligned with Al-Qaeda) and the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (previous Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda) jihadist alliance.
According to the pro-militant war monitor group, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the US precision strike has neutralized more than 40 jihadist fighters and commanders; more specific reports claim that the number is 31 killed and 24 wounded. The point is, the final count will probably confirm that dozens have been killed.
As per usual when the US-led Coalition conducts a very rare operation in Idlib, the strike was highly effective, killing and wounding nearly four dozen Al-Qaeda ranks in a single location meaning the US knew exactly where and when this gathering was going to take place.
Furthermore, reports that well-known Hayat Tahrir al-Sham commander Abu Mohammad al-Joulani was present at the gathering hit by the US-led Coaltion seem to be untrue; overall, the information is, at the very least, still unconfirmed at this time.

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