Pictures: Annihilated militant forces become trash-heap on Hama battlefield

A modest two-step Syrian Army offensive in northern Hama province over the course of Wednesday to Friday appears to have absolutely annihilated the grouping of militant forces tasked with defending the strongholds of Al-Hobait and Kafr Zita that attempted to resist it.
Over the last 48 hours, insurgent groups have tried, and failed, to hold back Syrian Army operations in northern Hama at Arbaeen, Az-Zakah, Tal Sakher and Al-Jisyat.
Many militants understandably fled given the sheer amount of fire-power and forces pitted against them. Those that stood their ground were wiped from battlefield amid a Syrian Army mechanized steamroller backed by ferocious airstrikes.
Since the Syrian Army’s initial attack on Arbaeen and Az-Zakah on Wednesday, it appears that a the militant death toll (over the 48 hours since them) is nearing about 100 killed in action.
Recently released pictures (shown below) by Syrian Army forces reveal the extent of damage to militant heavy weapons and vehicles following recent clashes in northern Hama.

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