Syria News | Turkish backed rebels attack Christian city in Syria, kill dozen of civilians (Photos+Video)

The Turkish backed rebels in Idlib province have attacked the Christian city of al-Saqaylabiyeh for the second day in a row in north-western Hama countryside.
According to sources, militants belong to the Turkish backed National Liberation Front fired several grad missiles and artillery shells on the town killing 6 civilians (5 children and 1 woman) and injuring more than 10 others on Sunday.

The shelling was renewed today morning where 1 civilian has been killed and 7 others injured so far.
Al-Suqaylabiyah is a Greek Orthodox Christian Syrian city administratively belonging to Hama Governorate, the town has a population of 17,313.
Its located near the front-lines between the Syrian army and Rebels in northern Hama province which made it a target for constant rebel’s shelling and attacks.

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