World News

Turkey's Erdogan announces big news regarding Russian S-400 and S-500 systems

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said today that Turkey will help Russia in production of S-500 anti-air missile systems, Reuters reported.
Reuters added that Erdogan also confirmed that purchase of the S-400 systems is a done deal.
According to Turkish newspaper Haberturk, Erdogan reported that Turkey had sent 100 engineers to Russia to help make the weapons.
He noted that Turkey intends to receive the US’ F-35 fifth-generation fighter aircraft. “But sooner or later, we will receive the F-35s,” Erdogan said.

In early May, Rostec CEO Sergey Chemezov stated that Russia values the development of technologic partnership with Turkey in air defense. “We will welcome the Turkish side’s wish to become a partner in the S-500 project,” he noted.
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