Breaking: Syrian Army captures rebel stronghold in northern Hama province

The Syrian Arab Army imposed full control over rebel stronghold Qalaat al-Madiq town following retreat of militants from the town in the northwestern countryside of Hama province.
According to early sources, the Syrian army entered Qalaat al-Madiq following mass retreat of militant groups of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and National Liberation Front from the town at night.
The source added that the town was under fire control of the army units following capture of its surroundings leaving no choice for rebel groups but to retreat from it.
Yesterday, the army troops led by Tiger forces managed to capture Kafr Nabudah town and cut the main supplies line for rebels in Qalaat al-Madiq from Idlib.
Earlier this week, the Syrian army has launched their long awaited offensive against militant groups which aim to capture the demilitarized zone that expands between Latakia, Hama and Idlib provinces.

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